Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Something to Talk About

I just dropped of Pussy Cat Prius in Warwick and then decided to skip the studio since I did not have a good day there artwise yesterday.  I have a lot of computer work, which I hate, to catch up on.  What a time waster.

I did this piece a while ago having been inspired by some memory jugs.  This is fun to make and you get to use up those little things.

The process is simple but it takes some time.  I started with a vase and covered it in sections with 1/8 to 1/4 inches of air dried clay.  Then you simply imbed your objects.  You can use about anything such as buttons, beads, shells, small game pieces, pieces of pottery, etc.  I found it better to use a thicker layer of the clay so that the objects can be pushed deep into the clay.  If the objects fall off, simple glue them back in.  After I was done and the clay was dry, I put a wash of blue acrylic over the whole thing.

I would like to do more but I would use bigger pieces of ephemera, which would call for a thicker layer of clay but as you can see I got a little OCD.  I also recommend that you apply the clay in relatively small sections because the clay dries quickly.  Have a sprtizer filled with water handy and keep the unused clay in an air tight bag.  It also helps to store it with a damp paper towel if you need to keep the clay for several days.

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