Sunday, June 28, 2015

Weekend of Art

I spent a couple of days taking a class with Dean Nimmer, author and former professor of art from Mass Art.  The class was about loosening up and creating abstract art.  We tried a host of different techniques which I want to explore further.  The class was fun and intense.  As always with this type of class, I expect to come out with pieces of art that are worthy of a frame.  I think I got a couple that are at least mat worthy but I don't have pictures yet. If you ever get a chance to take one of his classes, don't pass it up.  He is fun and he will give you a lot of techniques to put in your bag.

Since I don't like to leave without posting some pictures, here are a few that I took when we actually had a summer day.

Here is my attempt to take a picture of a plant at the Roger Williams Botanical Garden without a plant
I liked the colors in this but of course it is out of focus
A reflection of building in Wickford
Another reflection, this time of a boat

Monday, June 22, 2015


One of the best things about doing an assortment of art is that people give you things.  I got a bucket of nails and metals that had been through the kiln.  I have no idea what I will do with them but I will share with my studio mates.  Here is an interesting piece from the bucket:

It is only a couple of inches tall but there is so much going on.  It looks like a man in a tree sawing a limb.  I need to find a good project for it.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Recent Work

Here are two recent 8 x 10 oils I have done.  I am fairly pleased with the results on both,
A goodie from the bakery

This was from a photo

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Back in the Studio

It seems like it has been a long time since I have been to the studio.  My painting group, which consists of four of us, has had a difficult time getting us all in one room.  To remedy that, we have decided to make a commitment to meet at the Wickford Art Association on Tuesdays and paint. Now I should mention that here in Rhode Island there is the mentality that anything over a half hour driving time is really really far.  But so far, so good now that the weather is nice and the art association is across the parking lot from a very nice little beach.

I find that I can do one and one half 8 x 10 paintings in just 3 hours.  Here is one that I started and I was told to leave it alone because it was done.  I still want to do more work on the tree and maybe try it again, only bigger and more abstract.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

More Workshop Photos

Well if you haven't guessed by now, I took a lot of pictures at the workshop.  I am posting a selected few of some specific themes like the beach, birds landscapes, etc.  I hope I am not boring any of you readers but here are some more.  This set I got pretty lucky and the eagle was very cooperative and sat for a long time.  We learned how to approach an animal, very slowly.  The results were worth waiting for.

Here he was, just sitting there

This black bird had no fear

Apparently they don't mind harassing a bigger bird

He buzzed by pretty close

I almost got this one right.  I just needed the light in his eye.

Enough of this!